Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Packing bersama Yahoo! dan menangkan hadiah dahsyati!

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Yahoo! Messenger yang baru menyatukan semua temanmu ke dalam satu tempat, dengan fitur asyik seperti Google Talk™, obrolan Facebook, dan Game Sosial. Kumpulkan semua temanmu dalam spirit kegembiraan Yahoo! dan kirim foto "Packing" terbaikmu untuk meraih peluang memenangkan hadiah keren!

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Packing adalah memasukkan dirimu serta temanmu sebanyak-banyaknya ke ruang sempit. Ini cara baru agar lebih dekat dengan sekelompok sahabatmu. Mengumpulkan teman dalam semangat kegembiraan adalah tujuan Yahoo! Messenger yang baru.

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The new Yahoo! Messenger now comes with voice, video, Facebook chat and social games.

Yahoo! Messenger yang baru kini dilengkapi obrolan suara, video, Facebook dan game sosial yang lebih sempurna. Yahoo! Messenger yang baru dijejali fitur baru dan asyik, yang akan membantumu bergembira dengan semua temanmu di satu tempat! Sekarang kamu bisa mengobrol, bermain game, dan berinteraksi dengan teman-teman dari seluruh web di satu platform.

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RefID: d-1032012

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Defeated US fighting for her ego


The US priding in its strength wanted to achieve its objectives in Afghanistan and in the region through use of overt and covert force backed by propaganda. When this strategy didn�t make progress and became too expensive to pursue, the US as an after thought belatedly stepped up efforts on the diplomatic front. To win over moderate Afghan Taliban, the US pursued policy of carrot and stick simultaneously. Repelling strategies failing to deliver has left the US policy makers utterly confused and flabbergasted.

It took USA and its strategic partners India and Israel five years to create TTP in December 2007. Purpose behind this creation was to denigrate Taliban freedom movement in Afghanistan and also discredit and emasculate Pak Army and ISI. The US kept supporting TTP for the achievement of its nefarious objectives against Pakistan till the arrest of Faisal Shehzad in Times Square case in New York and attack on CIA base in Khost in which Hakimullah Mehsud was involved. The US had otherwise got dejected with TTP for not living up to its expectations. This double game is proving costly for USA. Instead of blaming itself and correcting the wrongs, the arrogant US leadership is blaming Pakistan for the mess it created.

Egotism is coming in the way of US leadership and it is still sticking to its failed strategy. While it presses Pakistan to convert its defeat into victory in Afghanistan, it is now seeing Pakistan as a target on the premise that it has stopped pursuing the US regional interests at the cost of its own security interests. Gary Akerman stated that Pakistan is not America�s partner, not part of its team, and both are on opposite sides of the fence and both have different enemies. He added that Pakistan�s self-defined interests no more overlap with US interests.

Afghan Taliban as well as Northern Alliance leaders do not trust Hamid Karzai, former viewing him a stooge of Washington and the latter suspecting him more inclined towards Pashtuns. The US also sees him as a liability but since it has no other alternative, it is reluctantly carrying on with him. Dejected Karzai has almost given up negotiating with Taliban leaders and has jumped to the conclusion that since Islamabad controls Taliban, key to successful political settlement rests with Pakistan and none else. He is also placing hopes in Istanbul Conference hosted by Turkish President, not realizing that minus Taliban no effort can succeed.

India describes Afghanistan as its extended neighbor and has claimed that Afghanistan is in its sphere of influence. It is allergic to inclusion of Pakistan and exclusion of India in reconciliation process and is desirous of playing a key role in peace process. Using its clout, it snuggled into Istanbul Conference on 2 November despite Pakistan�s reservations.

While the US is bent upon making India the key player in Afghanistan after its departure, Pakistan is rightly averse to this thinking since it cannot afford to have hostile India in the east and Indian influenced Afghanistan in the west.

Pakistan will get stabilized only when Afghanistan becomes peaceful and India stops meddling into Pakistan�s internal affairs.

In current timeframe the US and NATO, Afghan Taliban, Afghan regime and Pakistani Taliban are suffering and are losers. India and Israel involved only in sabotage and subversion against Pakistan with the help of their intelligence agencies are gainers. The two would also stand among losers once the war ends. Afghan Taliban would eventually emerge as lone victors since time is in their favor.

Extraction of oil, gas and other mineral resources from Central Asia and Caspian Sea region and operationalization of envisaged energy corridor would materialize only when Afghanistan acting as the vital bridge gets stabilized and Balochistan gets stable and Pakistan cooperates. It may take another decade and that too when all foreign troops exit completely and all neighbors and near neighbors stop outsmarting each other. Given the deep-seated geo-economic interests of imperialist powers, this seems a pipedream

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Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

[airputih] Senyuman Alex

"Terkadang kita memperalat Tuhan sebagai penyelesai masalah, padahal Dia sebenarnya dengan terpaksa memperalat masalah agar kita mendekatiNya. Jangan menganggap Dia alat yang bisa kita pakai hanya ketika masalah datang & kita lupakan ketika masalah hilang."

"Tuhan selalu punya rencana indah di balik suatu kejadian yang Ia ijinkan terjadi dalam hidupmu."


Aku menatap bocah enam tahun yang berdiri di depanku. Tubuhnya penuh dengan daki. Aroma tak sedap merasuki penciumanku. Entah sudah berapa lama tubuhnya yang mungil tak bersentuhan dengan air dan sabun mandi.
Bola matanya yang indah memancarkan sebuah semangat. Astaga! Senyumannya manis sekali ketika dia tersenyum padaku. Sepasang lesung pipi menghiasi wajahnya. Laksana pelangi yang menghiasai langit hujan.
"Nama kamu siapa?" tanyaku sambil membalas senyumnya.
"Alexander," jawabnya sambil tangannya memainkan ujung bajunya yang memiliki banyak tambalan.
"Alex, datang dengan siapa ke sini?"

Diam. Tak ada jawaban. Pandangannya menyapu lantai kelas yang kosong. Masih belum ada murid yang datang. Biasanya kalau hujan seperti ini murid-murid datangnya suka agak telat.
Ada sebutir air mata yang mendadak jatuh membasahi pipinya. Aku menjadi bingung dengan reaksinya atas pertanyanku.
"Alex, datang sendiri ya?" tanyaku sambil menggengam tangannya yang dingin.
"Emang kalau ngga ada mama sama papa ngga boleh sekolah di sini ya, kak?" jawabnya pelan.
Jawaban Alex menusuk hatiku.

"Siapa pun bisa belajar di sini. Termasuk kamu," jawabku lalu mengelus-ngelus kepalanya dengan lembut.
"Alex ngga punya papa dan mama. Papa dan mama Alex sudah meninggal. Alex hanya tinggal dengan nenek."
Aku memperhatikan kantong plastik tua yang dibawanya. Merasa, aku penasaran dengan isi kantong plastik tersebut. Alex langsung mengeluarkan isinya.
Ya Tuhan! Aku mencoba membendung air mataku tidak jatuh.

Miris. Sesak. Sedih dan terharu menyatu di dalam dadaku melihat isi kantong plastik yang di bawanya.
Dengan bangganya dia memperlihatkanku, beberapa lembar kalender usang yang telah dipotong empat lalu di lobangi dan diikat dengan tali dijadikan buku. Sebuah pensil yang sepertinya sudah di serut dengan pisau.
"Buku Alex, jelek ya kak?" Aku langsung memeluknya.
Suaraku sepertinya tertahan di tenggorokanku. Aku tak mampu mengatakan apa pun. Air mataku pun berhasil jatuh. Aku mengagumi semangatnya yang ingin belajar. Sebuah semangat yang luar biasa di antara keterbatasan yang dimilikinya.
Sewaktu aku kecil, aku sering merobek bukuku hanya untuk membuat pesawat kertas atau perahu. Ketika aku duduk di bangku SMP dan SMA, bukuku sering penuh dengan coretan yang tidak jelas.

Selesai kelas dan anak-anak lainnya sudah pulang semua. Aku menggantar Alex pulang. Bukan karena dia tidak bisa pulang sendiri. Tapi aku ingin melihat di mana dia tinggal.
"Kakak, ini rumah Alex!" ucapnya dengan penuh kebanggan. Tak ada sedikit pun rasa malu.
Ini bukan rumah apa lagi gubuk.
Aku memperhatikan hamparan tikar tua yang menjadi alas. Sekat setinggi lutut orang dewasa mengelilingi rumah Alex. Tidak ada dinding sama sekali apa lagi atap. Jalan tol megah menjadi atapnya. Tumpukan kardus menjadi perabot rumah tersebut. Halamannya penuh dengan tumpukan gelas dan botol bekas air mineral.
"Masuk, kak! Nenek lagi ngga ada. Masih mulung!"
Tanpa menunggu perintah untuk kedua kalinya. Aku masuk lalu menghempaskan tubuhku ke lantai.
"Kak, ini airnya diminum ya," ucap Alex lalu menyerahkan segelas air putih.
Aku meraih gelas yang penuh dengan air putih tersebut lalu meminumnya. Terasa aneh di lidahku. Sepertinya itu adalah air sumur yang telah di rebus.

Dalam kurun dua minggu Alex sudah bisa mengenal semua abjad dan angka. Prestasi yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh teman-teman sekelasnya yang lain.
"Wow! Alex hebat! Sudah bisa mengenal semua huruf," pujiku setelah kelas selesai.
Dengan malu-malu dia tersenyum padaku. Detik berikutnya, dia mencari sesuatu di dalam tas yang pernah aku berikan padanya.
"Alex, mau bisa baca Alkitab seperti mama dan papa dulu. Makanya Alex mau belajar."
Wajahku rasanya seperti tertampar. "Maafkan aku, Tuhan. Pagi ini aku belum sempat membaca Firman-Mu." Bisikku dalam hati.

Wajahku memancarkan kegelisahan. Entah kenapa, aku merasa kuatir ketika Alex belum juga datang. Tidak seperti biasanya, jam segini dia sudah datang. Selalu dia menjadi murid yang pertama kali hadir di kelas. Lima menit lagi kelas akan di mulai.
Hingga waktu jam proses belajar mengajar, Alex tidak datang.
"Sakitkah dia?" tanyaku dallam hati.
Tak ada satu pun yang tahu alasan Alex tidak hadir hari ini di kelas.
Selesai kelas, aku langsung bergegas menuju ke tempat tinggalnya. Sebelum sampai ke rumah Alex, seorang ibu menyapaku.
"Cari Alex ya, kak?"
Aku menganggukan kepala sambil menjawab "Iya, bu!"
"Alex di rumah sakit, kak! Semalam Alex ……."
Sungguh, aku tidak mampu mendengar penjelasan ibu tersebut. Seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah yang aku pegang untuk Alex rasanya ingin lepas dari tanganku.

Rasanya langit seperti runtuh dan menimpaku ketika melihat keadaan Alex. Tangan kanannya penuh dengan perban. Alex kecelakaan ketika membantu neneknya memulung dan tangan kanannya terlindas ban truk sehingga dia harus diamputasi. Dengan bekal pinjaman sana-sini dan bantuan tetangga serta pengguna jalan raya yang menyaksikan peristiwa tersebut, akhirnya Alex di bawa ke rumah sakit.
Kantong plastik yang berisi seragam sekolah, tas dan perlengkapan sekolah terlepas dari tanganku. Masih terngiang dikepalaku percakapan kami kemaren.
"Kak, Alex mau masuk SD tapi kata nenek, uangnya belum cukup. Katanya baju seragam sekolah mahal.
Tapi Alex percaya kalau Tuhan pasti akan kasih nenek duit biar Alex bisa sekolah."
"Alex, pasti sekolah. Percayalah!"
Tangan kanannya yang buntung dibalut perban. Betapa mirisnya hatiku melihat perban itu. Aku melihat tubuhnya yang pucat dan menahan rasa sakit diantara selang infus yang masih terpasang ditubuhnya.
Aku mengumpulkan semua kekuatanku hanya untuk menyapanya.

"Hallo, Alex?"
Aku duduk di sisinya. Aku membelai rambutnya.
"Kak, tangan Alex sakit sekali. Tangan Alex kenapa dipotong? Kan Alex mau nulis?"
Aku mencoba untuk menahan air mataku untuk tidak jatuh membasahi pipiku. Aku tidak boleh menangis didepan Alex.
"Alex pasti sembuh!" kataku mencoba menghiburnya.
"Kalo Alex sembuh itu artinya tangan Alex tumbuh lagi ya, kak?"

Nenek Alex yang berdiri dibelakangku memegang erat pundakku. Hanya Tuhan yang tau betapa perihnya hati ini melihat keadaan Alex.
"Iya, Alex lupa. Alex bisa menulis pakai tangan kiri. Kalau Tuhan ngga kasih mujizat untuk numbuhin tangan kanan Alex, tuhan pasti kasih mujizat buat Alex untuk menulis dengan tangan kiri." Ucapnya dengan senyuman.
Aku tidak bisa menahan air mataku untuk tidak jatuh. Aku juga merasakan tetesan air mata nenek Alex jatuh membasahi bahuku. Aku ngga bisa membayangkan kalau aku mengalami apa yang dialaminya. Aku mungkin bisa gila! Tapi berbeda dengan Alex. Dia tetap optimis meski dia sendiri tidak tahu arti optimis itu apa.
"Nanti kakak akan ajarin kamu menulis ya!"
"Kapan?" tanyanya.
"Kalau kamu sembuh nanti."
"Kakak kenapa menangis? Aku aja yang kecil ngga nangis."
Aku cepat-cepat menghapus air mataku demikian juga neneknya.
"Aku mau nyanyi untuk kakak, bolehkan?"
Aku hanya menganggukan kepala lalu mengalunlah sebuah lagu.




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U.S. defeat in Afghanistan coupled with ..........


U.S. defeat in Afghanistan coupled with humiliation in Libya and Iraq marks end of "super power" era

Many point to this as evidence that U.S. led NATO is in fact facing imminent military defeat in the war torn country.
Notions of any kind of negotiations with the Taliban till a little over a year ago were scoffed at until a little over a year ago.
There are currently a little over 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, a third of them were sent there as part of a 2009 'surge' that has failed in its stated objective: defeating the Taliban in their stronghold of Helmand province. The operations in Helmand began with great fanfare; the city of Marjah was targeted as a model of what a successful "counter-insurgency" would look like. Over a year later, there is no mention of the battle stricken town- this in itself is the biggest proof of the U.S.' failure to use the small farming community as a launching pad for a push back against the Taliban. The Taliban, it turn out, were smarter than U.S. generals. Instead of staying and fighting a huge military machine to death they melted away, only to return and harass bewildered U.S. troops with classic guerrilla tactics.

The drawdown calls for an initial reduction of 5000 troops this year with another 5000 later in the year. A total of 30,000 troops are to be withdrawn by the end of 2012.

How U.S. policy planner missed the simple fact that no one from Alexander the Great to the Soviet Red Army has ever defeated the Afghans will probably be discussed at length in the history books for many years to come.

Meanwhile, U.S. generals were unusually candid in expressing their frustration at Obama's announcement.
Outgoing Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen was not shy about his disagreements with the President during a House Armed Services committee hearing. He called Obama's plan "more aggressive and incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept."
Obama's decisions are no doubt spurred on by his own re-election worries. U.S. Presidents have had a hard time wining election when the economy has been in a down turn and Obama is no different. The last thing this incumbent needs is accusations of not keeping to his campaign promise to bring troops from Afghanistan and Iraq home.

The simple fact that "negotiations" with the Taliban is actually evidence of the once proud super power's military defeat was not directly addressed or widely talked about.
This, of course is no surprise given the self-censoring nature of the American media and society at large-the American government loves to tout the fact that "freedom" reigns in the U.S. However, as people like Cynthia McKinney, a former congresswoman who was kicked out of the U.S. Congress due to her principled stance on the Zionist entity will tell you, freedom in the U.S. is not extended to moral political stances that do not align with the powerful pro-Israel and pro-big business lobbies.

As the U.S. economy falls further into a self-created ditch of greed, with a disappointing jobs performance for May and June and a rise in jobless claims, the reality is that the U.S. is no longer a credible military power. Sure, it still has the technology, fire power and military budget that far surpass other nations. But, its ability to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies is no longer possible. A laughing Gadhafi in Libya and a red faced NATO that is facing the prospect of defeat in both Afghanistan and Libya as well as Iran's growing strength and influence are just some of the factors that point to the end of the West as a credible military and economic power.

Greece's is in shambles, as is Ireland and a host of other European nations. America is 14 trillion dollars in debt, with most of it owed to China.
The rise of China was amply demonstrated in its rebuke of the U.S. after the unilateral raid to "kill" Osama bin Laden. Any thoughts of the U.S. launching military raids of a larger size on Pakistan were put to rest with the Chinese threat that it would not tolerate any further violations of Pakistan's sovereignty. An irate Hillary Clinton lashed out at China in a news conference the next day, saying that China was on a slippery slope to social unrest and that it could no longer sustain its dictatorship. It reminded one of a humiliated child throwing a temper tantrum after being admonished by an adult.

The neo-conservatives have failed at their attempts, in the words of Condoleezza Rice to give "birth" to a new Middle East.
The Zionist-entity is on the verge of collapse-Netanyahu's petulant ranting's at the supposed excesses of Obama are a clear example of how the "Jewish" state has become an ever more suffocating albatross around a country that has enough problems without having to deal with a proxy that has failed in furthering U.S. military or diplomatic clout; the humiliating 2006 defeat of Israel at the hands of Hizbollah put to rest any thought of the U.S. or Israel attacking Iran. After all, the reasoning went, if the fourth most powerful m military power (in terms of military assets) in the world (Israel) can't defeat 3000 or so lightly armed mujahedeen in Lebanon, what chance in the world would they have against Iran?

Just as the decline of the Soviet Union was precipitated by its invasion of Afghanistan, so too is the end of the U.S. as a military and economic power a direct result of its invasion of a land that bought Alexander the Great to his knees.
Iraq, too, is an example of how grand U.S. plans have come to naught. Having signed an agreement with the Iraqi government that it will withdraw all forces by the end of December of this year, it is clear that an increasingly desperate U.S. has badly miscalculated. The U.S. had apparently been expecting the Iraqi government to formally "ask" for an extension of the deadline and the staying on of troops beyond the December deadline. It is fast becoming clear that the Nouri Al-Maliki lead Iraqi government may not do that. Moqtada Al-Sadr's political party has strong representation in the present Iraqi government. In fact, Al-Sadr and politicians representing his group were a crucial factor in enabling Maliki to form a governing coalition.

Al-Sadr has made it clear that he will not abide an extension of U.S. presence in Iraq. Attacks on American forces have suddenly increased in the past month or so as various Iraqi groups flex their muscles and send the U.S. an unmistakable signal: don't even think about an open ended commitment of U.S. troops in Iraq. Sixteen U.S. troops have been killed in hostile action for the month of June, the highest number in three years. This has caused the newly minted Secretary of Defense to threaten "unilateral" action in Iraq against "Shia militias." It is a sign of how unafraid the rest of the world is of a once might super power that no one in Iraq has really paid any attention to the shrill threats emanating from Washington.

From a U.S. policy planner's perspective, Iraq has turned out to be a farce. The neo-con architects of the invasion of Iraq such as avid Zionist Paul Wolfowitz had made the case for the invasion of Iraq on the presumption that the Shia of Iraq would serve as a reliable counterbalance to the influence of Shia Iran. This opinion was formulated on the backs of corrupt Shias living in the U.S. who managed to convince him and others that this was the case. Ayatollah Sistani (h.a.) has deeply disappointed such neo-cons and pro-Israeli "Shia" living in the U.S. The Iraqi government has made clear its extremely close and brotherly ties with Iran and Iranian leadership. The U.S. basically faces the prospect of having lost almost 5000 soldiers and spending countless billions to in fact remove Iran's regional foe Saddam, all the while strengthening Iranian influence and leverage in the region.

All of these factor point to a dramatic decrease in American military and diplomatic clout in the Middle East and around the world. When it is all said and done, historians will most probably identify the Zionist entity, not Muslims as the biggest threat to the U.S. Zionist influence within the American political establishment is all pervasive and well documented. The invasion of Iraq, the expansionist post Sept-11 U.S policies have all taken place at hands of Zionist U.S. government officials and pro-Israel lobbyists. The fact of the matter is that a large part of the reason why the U.S. is a has-been superpower is its domestic political establishment's enslavement at the hands of Zionists.

As the two hundred year period of Western power and influence comes to an end ancient super powers such as China and Iran are once again taking their respective places as dominant regional and global powers. The U.S. was, in its time, the zenith of Western influence and power. Its gradual decline and almost inevitable collapse will be the final act in a blip on the radar of world history that was Western influence and power.

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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

First terrorists create.........


First terrorists create an act of terror and then they ascribe and attribute it to Muslims and Islam and then by power of their media they try people to believe that Muslims did it! Examples:

1) Lavon affair where Israel killed many tourists in Egypt and later built a monument in "honor" of the state sponsored terrorist

2) USS Liberty; where Israel killed more than 20 and seriously wounded 200 US naval officers. Israel first blamed Egypt but later had to admit its terrorist act

3) First attack on World trade center by Mossad agent Josie Hadas.She framed Muhammad Slameh who was totally innocent. He only rented a van for his boss Josie Hadas without knowing her evil intention.She used it for bombing which killed 5 Americans. CNN accidentally showed her apartment with bomb drawing and material but later when found out that Josie is Israeli agent no mention of her on any USA media! She now lives in Israel comfortably while poor Slameh is in life imprisonment

4) 9/11 the biggest conspiracy theory. Israel did it and blamed Muslims. There are numerous solid scientific evidences against USA official version and commission report. Please visit and find out the truth. All writers are non Muslim Americans
There are zillions of other examples and proofs. 5) London Bomb Blast which was carried out under direct Israeli supervision with all justification for detailed video photography as ti was done on safety rehearsal day.Ex Israeli Prime Minster was in London to supervise this Israeli drama
Actually all Zionists must be kicked out of USA, Europe and Russia as these have held hostage these countries and ruined their economy

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